Parent Governor Vacancy
Dear Parent,
The Governing Body is responsible for both the conduct of the School and for promoting
high standards. The Governing Body undertakes its role by setting the vision for the School
and then ensuring that the School works efficiently and effectively towards achieving its
vision. It does this by building a thorough knowledge of the School and its community, by
both supporting and constructively challenging the School, and by ensuring accountability
and compliance.
The Governing Body of the School currently has vacancies for Parent Governors.
I am writing to invite nominations of parents interested in standing for election to fill these
vacancies. Every parent of a registered pupil at the School is entitled to stand for election
except someone who is
an elected member of the Council;
paid to work at the School for more than 500 hours in a 12 month period.
If you wish to stand for election could you please let me know in writing by Friday 8th January 2021.
Sue Tripp
Parent governor vacancy December 2020