Learning for Life Campus Stories – July

We have come to the end of the school year, and what a year it has been! In spite of  exceptional circumstances our pupils have once again blown us away in the progress they have made through; determination, commitment and hard work. We are so proud of them. We look forward to welcoming our new pupils and their families to the school in September, but before we go please do check out what we have been up to this month.
Proud moment alert! ?
Ashley has recently received a ‘Certificate of Achievement’ to recognise that he has completed the Skills, Volunteering and Physical sections for the D of E Silver Level. Over the last Bank Holiday weekend he completed the Silver Level Expedition and once his group complete a presentation later this month, he will receive the full Silver Award. He has already started work on the Gold Level.
Well done Ashley ?


Training shift for Gloria and Julie from West Lea in preparation for September when their Y11 pupils will be in charge on Thursdays ?

The Lanthaler Class ‘Dojo Shop’ opened for business today. Students turned their reward points into ‘Dojo Cash’ to buy prizes! #ClassDojo #LifeSkills #FunctionalSkills #Maths #learningforlife


Smiling faces say it all! A visit from our Senior Job Coach at Henry Construction today. Everyone is working hard and happy in what they do. A win win and a great example of business and community working together to mutual benefit. #SupportedInternship #Enfield


Year 12 Watson class have been busy designing & making leavers hoodies as part of a Design & Print WEX project. Thanks to @FortunaTweets for your support & kindness by providing us with space to work in your warehouse #InclusiveEmployer #workskills #Enfield


Great work by Phelps Class on their enterprise project making bookmarks #enterprise #learning4life


Keep going Learning4Life campus! We’re 60% there on our virtual walk from Edinburgh to Paris using @worldwalkingorg Let’s complete this walk before schools out for Summer! #healthylifestyle #learning4life #stepschallenge


Flashback to our gratitude assembly back in October when we talked about how grateful we were for the inspirational @MarcusRashford #WeStandWithYou #ShowRacismtheRedCard #BlackLivesMatter #NoPlaceForRacism


Congratulations to our Head of Quality and Standards Mr Patrick Robinson who has won a Jack Petchey Leader award. ???
Patrick Robinson has been at West Lea School for the past 5 years and has become an indispensable part of the team. He has become Mr Reliable and will turn his hand to anything when needed. Where his skills are best used are in his current post where he is responsible for quality assuring our provision and overseeing the process of reviewing the Education Health and Care Plans for our pupils. The latter is not only a statutory duty but is also key to ensuring that all of our cohort are thriving, making progress and getting prepared for adulthood. This Patrick does with aplomb. Mr Robinson embodies our values, he always ‘walks the talk’ and we would be lost without him. ?
@JPFoundation @Meridian_Campus @HaselburyCampus @WestLeaLearning

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