Flourishing now
and in the future
Promoting British values
Teaching the fundamental British values helps children grow into safe, caring and open-minded adults, who make a positive contribution to their community and take their place in the world.
An understanding of how we can influence decision-making through the democratic process.
Students learn that democracy is about making decisions together and making sure everyone has equal rights and the opportunity to be heard and involved in decision-making.
To promote an understanding of democracy, we encourage learners to:
- Express themselves in many ways, including using words, objects, photographs, pictures and symbols
- Take part in democratic elections for campus and whole school student councils, where relevant topics are discussed and debated and students are given a say in the running of the school
- Give us feedback through questionnaires, class-based activities and annual reviews
- Contribute to borough-wide youth forums, giving them influence and a voice in the local community
- Take part in campus and whole school assemblies and awareness days where we discuss democracy
- Engage in citizenship education (part of the PSHE curriculum). Pupils learn about democracy, politics, voting, the importance of expressing an opinion and listening respectfully to the views of others
rule of law
An appreciation that living under the rule of law protects us and is essential for our wellbeing and safety.
Students learn that rules matter in school and in society. They learn about cause and effect, that actions have consequences and how to make good choices.
To promote an understanding of the rule of law, we encourage learners to:
- Uphold the school’s behaviour policy, which has three simple rules: Be Ready, Be Safe, Be Kind. This reinforces the importance of respecting the rules
- Distinguish ‘right’ from ‘wrong’ and make good choices in the classroom, playground and local community
- Know their rights and responsibilities and the connection between actions and consequences beyond the school gates (part of the PSHE curriculum)
- Know what it means to be a UNICEF rights respecting school (which we are)
- Know about the UK law and justice system, the role of the police and the courts. This is taught from year 9 and includes visits from members of the local police force (and sometimes police horses too)
- Manage and regulate their emotions, both in and outside of school.
- Take part in campus and school assemblies and awareness days where we discuss respecting rules (for example, during anti-bullying week)
individual liberty
An understanding of what it means to be free to choose and to live our lives for the benefit of ourselves, others and the wider community.
Students learn that in this country everybody’s voice is of equal value and importance.
We offer plenty of activities to help learners develop their self-awareness, self-esteem and self-confidence, so they can live this value fully.
To promote an understanding of individual liberty, we encourage learners to:
- Make choices that suit their interests e.g. extracurricular activities, work experience, and college options
- Develop a wide range of social and communication skills in class and lessons, clubs and other activities
- Know the language of feelings and be able to share how they feel
- Be responsible e.g. classroom helpers, playground sports leaders, council reps, WestCo tuck shop assistants
- Know and understand how to exercise their rights safely e.g. by engaging in PSHE lessons
- Know the UNICEF rights of a child (we’re at the Bronze stage of the Rights Respecting Schools Award)
- Become as independent as possible e.g. by undertaking travel training, work experience and life skills training
- Build confidence and self-esteem by encouraging self-expression
mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
An understanding that people are free to practice their faiths and beliefs, or to have no religious belief.
Students are encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance.
They learn that differences should not be the cause of discriminatory behaviour and the importance of combatting discrimination.
To promote a mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs, we encourage learners to:
- Know and live the West Lea values: kindness, inclusion and community
- Be aware of and respect other cultures, religions and ways of life
- Explore what identity means in PSHE
- Appreciate individual differences in faith, ethnicity, ability, disability, gender, sexuality, and family
- Know and celebrate different holy days, holidays and historic events in assemblies and awareness days e.g. Remembrance Day, Holocaust Day
- Gain greater awareness of different religions through RE and school trips to places of worship
- Feel safe to challenge any discriminatory behaviour
- Take part in assemblies on topics such as friendship, volunteering, and helping others
- Get to know local heritage through lessons in Knowledge of the World and Life and Work.
- Understand the ideas of ‘fair spirit’ and ‘team spirit’ through PE and clubs
- Support local, national and international charities and events e.g. Comic Relief and Children in Need