Enfield Council: London Borough of Enfield

Child line: ChildLine is a private and confidential service for children and young people up to the age of 19

Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre: The NCA’s CEOP works with child protection partners across the UK and overseas

Enfield Children and Young Persons’ Services: ECYPS provides advice and support to voluntary and community organisations working with children & young people aged 0-25 years

NHS 111 service: 111 is the NHS non-emergency number. Call 111 and speak to a trained adviser, supported by healthcare professionals

NSPCC: National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children

Enfield Police: Enfield police work closely with the local authority and other agencies especially through the Enfield Community Police Partnership, which identifies policing priorities within Enfield and develops and implements the strategies to be used in tackling crime and disorder on a local level

Think u Know: Come in to find the latest information on the sites you like to visit, mobiles and new technology

London Safeguarding Board: The London Safeguarding Children Board seeks to enhance the safety and wellbeing of children in London.

Department for Education: The Department for Education is responsible for education and children’s services in England

NHS England Safeguarding: NHS England is dedicated in ensuring that the principles and duties of safeguarding adults and children are holistically, consistently and conscientiously applied with the well-being of all

Enfield Children’s Trust: Promoting better life experiences and outcomes for children and young people in Enfield

Enfield Saheli: Empowering women to make informed choices

Enfield Voluntary Action: Providing Services to support volunteering in Enfield

Enfield Youth Development Service: A range of exciting opportunities and positive activities for young people in Enfield.

Homestart: National family support charity

Informed Families: Family information service 

St Christopher’s: Young Runaways Service 

Sort It!: Substance misuse service for young people  

The Children’s Society: We are a national charity that runs local projects, helping children and young people when they are at their most vulnerable.

AFRUCA: Africans unite against Child Abuse

CFAB:  Protecting Children and Uniting Families Across Borders  

Connexions: Advice, guidance and personal development 

Safer London: Young women affected by sexual violence and exploitation 

Forward: Safeguarding Rights and Dignity 

Samaritans: People talk to us anytime they like, in their own way, and off the record – about whatever’s getting to them.

The Hideout: Until children and young people are safe  

Solace Women’s Aid: Helpline 

National Domestic Violence Helpline: As a federation of over 220 organisations, they provide more than 300 local lifesaving services to women and children across the country

North Enfield Food Bank: for support with the cost of food 

Stop it Now!: Sexual abuse prevention campaign

North Middlesex University Hospital:North Middlesex University Hospital is one of London’s busiest acute hospitals, serving more than 350,000 people living in Enfield and Haringey and the surrounding areas, including Barnet and Waltham Forest

Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health Trust: We are a large provider of integrated mental health and community health services, following the transfer of Enfield Community Services.

Would u App – Barnardos: Child sexual exploitation

Enfield Parent Abuse Reconciliation Service: Supporting Parents who are abused by their adolescent children

i-hop: Information Hub on offenders’ families with children 

Kooth: Online Mental Health and Wellbeing Services

Mens Advice Line – Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men

Enfield Carers – Local charity offering support and advice for unpaid carers

Housing Options – London Borough of Enfield housing options and advice for housing related issues such as private tenancies

Local MP – Contact the local MP for Enfield

Wellbeing Connect – Formerly known as Ebony People’s Association

Enfield Parent and Child Services

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