Religious Education at West Lea’s aim is to provide an understanding and deeper knowledge of the various religions, cultures and beliefs within our community and wider communities living in the UK.
Through the teaching of Religious Education, students are encouraged explore the beliefs and practices of others, making links with their own experiences. This will help them to broaden their knowledge, encourage and equip them to make better sense of their place in the world and help them to deal with issues raised by religion and belief.
Religious Education at West Lea helps to promote British Values through the understanding and promotion of tolerance and the right that everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion.
The RE curriculum is planned using Enfield SACRE, adapted by the RE curriculum team so that the curriculum aims are met. Students build up knowledge and understanding across the key stages, revisiting key themes with additional knowledge, skills and experiences. Planning is completed by campus leads so they are able to identify and plan for appropriate knowledge and skills for our learners.
The RE curriculum starts with giving students opportunities to be aware of themes within religion (celebration, belief, emotions, values). This is linked to the EYFS approach adopted by Early Years and Key Stage 1 planning at West Lea. This planning is also linked to English (Literacy) Key Themes which supports both subjects. This is built on during Key Stage 2 onwards.