
West Lea’s Governing Body comprises of two Local Authority-appointed Governors, two Staff Governors, three Community Governors, four Parent Governors and Sue Tripp, West Lea’s Executive Headteacher. The Governing Body meets twice in the Autumn term and once in both the Spring and Summer terms. There is also at least one meeting each year for each of our committees, which are: standards and resources.

All Governors are volunteers and work towards making the school better by questioning, monitoring and challenging the Executive Headteacher and her staff, as well as supporting them in meeting the challenges that constantly arise in daily school life. To help them in their roles, all Governors undergo training, individually, as a team and by attending certain staff training days.

We run a Governor of the Month scheme. This is to ensure that all Governors have the opportunity to come in for a school day at least once a year, when they can join a class and experience an activity (assembly or special activity day etc). The Governor is then asked to write a piece for the school newsletter.

To improve our work, we are implementing a Governor Skills Audit. This will allow us to ensure a good balance of skills on the Governing Body, identify gaps for training and ensure that when we come to appoint new Governors, we can aim to find people to complement and improve on our skills.

Each year we create an improvement plan for the Governing Body, which is then included in the School Development Plan. This helps us to monitor ourselves and look for ways to be better at what we do and more helpful to the school.

The role of a Governor is a highly responsible one, and is taken very seriously by all members of our Governing Body. We all work and give our time to try to ensure the best outcomes for all members of our school community.

Of course, we do have a good laugh together as well – it’s the West Lea way!



Governor Details

Type of Governor Name Term of office ends Role of Governor
Parent Governors Senay Necati 24/11/2022 Parent
Rola El Kurdi 24/11/2022 Parent
Authority Governors Jeannette Knights (LEA – Chair) 08/06/2019 Finance & School Journey
Co-opted Governors Marion Rodin (Vice-Chair & Chair of the standards commitee) 04/01/2022 Safeguarding Inc Looked after children & E-safety
Helen Newman(Chair of the resources commitee) 29/06/2022  Human Resources
Michael Daniels 21/06/2022
Fr Nigel Asbridge 07/12/2022 Pupil Premium and Sports Premium
Christian Tambara 12/03/2021
Carmel Fox 12/12/2021
Jackie Wheeler (Co-opted) 01/04/2021 Health and Safety
Staff Governors Vacancy 15/10/2018
Executive Headteacher Sue Tripp N/A
Clerk to Governors Amanda Newell  N/A Admin
Associate members Paul Quinn(Executive Business Manager) N/A Resources
James Carrick (Deputy Executive Headteacher) N/A Standards

Chair of governing body Jeannette Knights contact details:

Mrs Jeannette Knights
c/o West Lea school
Haselbury Campus
N9 9TU
Governor of the Month

We run a Governor of the Month scheme. This is to ensure that all Governors  have the opportunity to come in and experience a school day at least once a year, when they can join a class and experience an activity (assembly or special activity day etc.).  The Governor is then asked to write a piece for the school newsletter.

2018/19 Governors of the Month
Jeannette Knights
Christian Tambara
Fr Nigel Asbridge
Carmel Fox
Michael Daniels
Jackie Wheeler
Jeanette Gates
Helen Newman
Marion Rodin
Jeannette Knights
Senay Necati
What do Governors do?

School Governors come from all walks of life. There are approximately 1400 School Governors in Enfield and they form the largest volunteer force in the Borough. Individual School Governors form part of a corporate governing body, which is established in Law (see Guide to Law link for more information). Members of the Governing Body work together as a team and may not act independently. Decisions are a joint responsibility of each Governing Body as they seek to ensure that the best education possible is provided.

The Key Responsibilities of Governing Bodies Include: 
  • Working with the Headteacher to set the aims and objectives of the school
  • Working with the Headteacher to set the policies for achieving the aims and objectives
  • Monitoring and evaluating the progress the school is making
  • Setting appropriate targets for pupil achievement
  • Managing the school’s budget
  • Making decisions regarding how many staff should be employed and being involved in their appointment, support and discipline
  • Ensuring that the National Curriculum and Religious Education are taught
  • Acting as a link between the school and its community
  • Producing an Action Plan after an Ofsted inspection and ensuring it is put into practice
  • Deciding, with the Headteacher, the school’s approach to meeting children’s special educational needs
  • Managing the school’s premises
  • Providing support and challenging
Co-opted Governors were appointed by the Governing Body, the staff Governor was elected by the Staff and the Parent Governors elected by the Parents.


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