At Dysons Road Adenegan Class made Elmer the elephant and created their own jeans to celebrate their differences and unique genes as part of Jeans for Genes Day. Staff at St Mary’s also joined in with Jeans for Genes Day, the annual fundraising campaign for Genetic Disorders UK, the national charity that supports individuals and families affected by a genetic disorder. You can donate here.
Whilst looking at the topic “All About Me” the children in Murray Class made potato heads to represent themselves.
The children at Springfield took part in some lovely activities based on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to celebrate Roald Dahl Day.
The staff and children at Dysons Road have also been showing off their hula hoop skills as part of #WorldFitnessDay.
Students in Pendleton Class had a very eventful week, they decorated biscuits from their perspective, did lots of fitness activities on World Fitness Day, and E won the Jack Petchey award. Amazing work all around.