Meridian Campus – October stories

Students at St. Mary’s made a great effort in their yoga class, copying exactly what the instructions on the screen said.  Good job and keep it up.



Students at St. Mary’s enjoyed making porridge and added blueberries, raspberries and bananas to the mix. Yummy yummy in my tummy!



The whole campus had a day of red to raise awareness of dyslexia. Miss Paver popped into a couple of classes to share her experience of growing up with dyslexia and the children created posters of other famous people with dyslexia, celebrating their unique talents.


The children in Fairchild class were set a homework project to create a landmark from around the world. Can you recognise any?



St Mary’s students also created some amazing self-portraits in the style of Andy Warhol.


Knight class tasted and then labelled porridge that was too salty, too sweet and ‘just right’. #GoldilocksAndTheThreeBears



Children learnt about Edward Tingatanga, one of the most important artists from Tanzania and his innovative drawing technique. #BHM



There was a new teacher at Dysons Road last week. Mr Rapley led Fairchild class through an art lesson. He spoke with clarity and confidence when giving instructions. Well done Mr Rapley!



Fairchild class: The weekly project this week was all about Halloween. However, we know that in Mexico they celebrate El dia de Los muertos. The decorations are a bit different, in fact they decorate skulls, pumpkins and biscuits using bright colours.


This term Fairchild class focused on non-fiction books and decided to write their own books about people who help us in the community! Children were able to search for facts, write non-chronological reports, adding contents page and glossary for each book.


The children at St Mary’s had a great time designing and making their pumpkins. They showed great communication and team work skills. Well done!

Murray class have had fun making scary pumpkins. They are ready for Halloween.

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