Dear Parent/Carer,
Our current topic is “All about us”, and this part of this learning involves exploring the local area and where we live. To support this, we would like to take Pendleton children for a Bus Tour Day around the local borough.
The date is as follows:
4thth November 2021
We will be exploring our local area, but also focus on travel training skills, such as identifying the bus stops, using the bus pass, reflecting on appropriate behaviours on the bus and out in the community and what to do in different scenarios on a bus.
We will be travelling by school minibus to Edmonton Green, where a double decker bus will be waiting for us, and return to school for lunch. The tour will start at 10.30am and last for about one hour and half.
Please make sure the school uniform is worn.
Please fill in and return the permission slip as soon as possible. If you have any queries or concerns, then please do not hesitate to contact us.
Yours sincerely,
Ms Pastore (Class Teacher)
Mr Gok (Assistant Head Teacher)
Download the Bus Day Letter here.