Phonics and Reading Schemes

Phonics and Reading Schemes

At West Lea we use a range of phonics strategies and reading schemes, to meet the varying needs of our learners.  Reading is taught through a phonics approach, which is broadly in line with the DfES ‘Letters and Sounds’ publication, and supported through whole word teaching. Multi-sensory resources are used, such as ‘rainbow arcs’ and magnetic letters, phonics tubs, and ‘Jolly Phonics’ songs. ICT resources are also used, such as ‘Big Cat Phonics’ and ‘Espresso Phonics.’  Pupils also access activities such as lotto games. The learning is supported by visuals, such as Communicate in Print and Makaton signs.

Pupils have access to reading schemes, and reading books to take home. A range of schemes are available, such as ‘Oxford Reading Tree’ and ‘Project X.’  ‘Rapid Readers’ are also available for more able readers. A number of reading scheme texts are available as e-books, which can be accessed on the IWB or iPad.