Areas of Learning
Our areas/domains of learning have been created together in consultation with staff and students. A new round of consultations to further enhance the curriculum has been launched in Spring 2021. Within each pathway the domains are reduced or increased based on cognitive abilities of the young people. They are broadly in line with the diagram below, though not exclusively. These domains and their associated milestones form our curriculum intent. These domains remain heavily linked as students draw on the knowledge in a number of domains when applying to learning tasks, situations and opportunities. Communication and independence are deeply embedded in all domains and values are firmly embedded.
Our curriculum domains have been chosen to equip pupils with knowledge and skills for life in the six domains (illustrated above) that will best prepare them to achieve their potential:
Developing communication, reading and social skills to ensure access to opportunities, build relationships and support networks. This includes working towards a level 1 qualification in Functional skills English.
Developing basic numeracy skills and securing knowledge that enables greater problem solving in the world around them while providing access to employment opportunities at the highest level. This includes working towards a functional skills qualification in Maths.
Instilling knowledge about and an understanding of the world of work that ensures successful access to work for the future. These include PFA outcomes for Employability.
Ensuring students develop knowledge that ensures they can access and thrive in the community (local, national and global) and contribute as active citizens.
Within creativity students have the opportunity to access a full curriculum with links to wider subject knowledge including in the areas of humanities and science. Students develop a broader vocabulary and awareness of world topics ensuring they have the knowledge they need to express their voice and have opinions. Creativity provides the broad themes in which other learning domains are accessed.
Children will know how to maintain good mental and physical health and enable them to stay safe including in a digital world. This includes core learning in the areas of SRE.