Building Independence and Cultural Capital
As pupils move from one Key Stage to the next, we build on prior learning and challenge them to further their independence as they move through the school. This learning journey is captured in an ‘independence passport’ which motivates them to acquire such skills wherever possible, including at home and within their community.

Learning takes place all the time, formally and informally, from the moment our young people arrive in the morning until they go home at the end of the day. Enrichment and extracurricular activities are an essential part of the school day, providing rich learning experiences that broaden learners cultural capital. This includes breakfast club, activities at lunchtime and after school, as well as holiday clubs, trips and residentials. The learning is invaluable and contributes to the school’s overall curriculum intent.
At Meridian Campus the children are ‘Taking Off’ and learning how to:
- Communicate with their friends.
- Take turns when playing and engaging in a game.
- Respond to their name and follow simple instructions.
- Explore an activity with independence and be inquisitive.
- Develop basic life skills including eating and drinking and managing toileting needs independently.
- Be confident to try a variety of foods, some of which may be unfamiliar.
- Begin to communicate wants and needs with others, including familiar adults.
- Learn some basic road safety skills.
- Carry out a simple financial transaction (exchange money for an item).
By the end of KS2 we want all children to:
- Cross the road safely either unaided or with very little adult support.
- Make and sustain good friendships.
- Stay safe and make good choices.
- Experience at least one residential visit.
- Understand the local community and people/organisations who can help e.g. police, nurse, post office.
- Prepare simple recipes (with adult supervision as needed)
- Use money to make purchases in a shop.
- Be respectful and considerate of others, their feelings and beliefs.
- Communicate their needs and wants effectively with familiar adults.
- Make safe choices when using technology and using online resources and platforms.
At Haselbury the children are ‘Flying High’ and learning how to:
- Travel independently to school (subject to health and mobility needs).
- Engage in conversation and express feelings.
- Manage time.
- Take care of their own personal hygiene.
- Solve basic problems.
- Be safe online and on their phones.
- Understand the changes to their body as they go through puberty.
- Access some community services including leisure activities in their area.
- Experience a residential trip.
- Make healthy choices in relation to their food and activities.
- Make purposeful friendships with others.
At Learning for Life Campus the children are ‘Soaring’ and learning how to:
- Travel safely and independently to school, college and work (subject to health and mobility needs).
- Develop resilience and a work ethic.
- Develop careers aspirations and step into the world of work.
- Manage daily routines independently including medical needs.
- Be safe online, at work and when out in the community.
- Make positive life choices and take advantage of new opportunities.
- Understand healthy relationships, consent and contraception.
- Access leisure facilities and be able to socialise with a buddy/group within the local community.
- Experience a residential trip and clubs.
- Be able to budget for and prepare healthy meals.
- Understand simple finance and banking.
- Prepare for exams.
- Take their place in society.
At Horizon Campus, students have ‘No Limits’ and are learning how to:
- Scope out future pathways and recognise how to make a meaningful contribution to society.
- Apply what they have learned to real-life situations.
- Recognise the impact of decision making on themselves and others.
- Improve employability chances.
- Build confidence in the workplace.
- Achieve a genuine sense of achievement.