Curriculum Aims
We aim to enable our young people to thrive in the adult world with an understanding of British life, able to participate in the community and with the knowledge and skills to be successful in relationships, in life and in work. We aim to:
- Prepare pupils for adulthood and equip them with skills for life, supporting them to reach their full potential and gain employment wherever possible
- Empower pupils to have a voice, exercise choice and increase independence
- Develop communication, reading and social skills to build relationships, friendships and support networks
- Instil an understanding of the local, national and global community while promoting active citizenship
- Encourage good mental and physical health and enable pupils to stay safe and be abe to regulate emotions
- Develop knowledge and skills that promotes digital confidence, creativity, innovation and problem-solving
- Promote kindness, consideration, resilience and responsibility in everything we do and learn
To do this we will
- Provide a curriculum that is broad and balanced, motivating and fun.
- Provide first-hand, practical and creative opportunities, allowing for pupil independence and choice.
- Provide pathways that prepare pupils for adulthood through targeted progression routes, including opportunities for training and employment where appropriate
- Personalise learning matched with pupils’ interests, achievements and abilities.
Everything we do starts with the pupil, a thorough knowledge of them and a determination to meet their learning needs in a way that maximises their potential.
“Every moment of the school day is about improving learning for pupils.” OFSTED