Life and Work
The Life & Work curriculum intends to equip students with the skills for life and for work that will support them to thrive and embrace independence in line with the preparing for adulthood (PfA) outcomes.
We teach life and work skills at all key’s stages. Building understanding through play and hands on experiences from the Early Years and developing skills and knowledge through a variety of topics through to Post 16. Life & Work lessons focus on skills that support students towards independence within strands that link to the preparing for adulthood (PfA) outcomes:
- A) Looking after myself and my home (PfA outcomes: Good Health and Independent Living) – topics include healthy lifestyles, cooking and daily living skills.
- B) My community and the wider world (PfA outcome: Friends, Relationships & Community) – topics include independent travel, volunteering, community services and First Aid.
- C) Careers and the world of work (PfA outcome; Employment) – including career exploration, career planning, business & enterprise, work skills development and work experience.
The above strands offer a creative and engaging way to incorporate the ‘design, make and evaluate’ approach to D&T as well as providing access to cooking and nutrition whilst linking to real-life applications. The curriculum also prioritises time for careers education equipping students with essential skills and enabling progression into further education and/or suitable employment pathways.