Flourishing now
and in the future


“Real-world learning brings the benefits of formal and informal education together and reinforces what good educationalists have always known: that the most meaningful learning occurs through acquiring knowledge and skills through real-life, practical or hands-on activities.”
– Council for Learning Outside the Classroom (LOtC)

We believe all learners should experience life away from home and our staff volunteers make this possible.

Residential experiences are where memories are made. Learners strengthen relationships with each other and with teachers and support staff.

They also develop confidence and independence, challenging themselves to practice valuable life skills.

Residential experiences become increasingly ambitious as learners move up the school. Trips include:

  • Woodrow High House (Meridian/Haselbury)
  • Year 10 Duke of Edinburgh (Learning for Life)
  • Isle of Wight, Scotland or Barcelona (Learning for Life)
  • Manchester (Horizon)
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