

Our science curriculum aims to give all children a strong understanding of the world around them whilst acquiring specific skills and knowledge to help them to think scientifically. 

We believe that students deserve a broad and ambitious science curriculum, rich in skills and knowledge, which ignites curiosity and prepares them well for future learning or employment. We encourage students to be curious of phenomena and events of the world around them. 

Lessons are designed to develop practical skills by working scientifically to understand scientific concepts.  We encourage students to confidently ask questions and develop an inquisitive mind. To analyse and explore the big questions and discuss science-based issues that may affect their own lives, the direction of society and the future of the world.  

We want pupils to be hands on with science, carrying out experiments and seeking for answers.  We want children to learn how science is part of our life and be able to investigate, gather and use evidence to form conclusions.  

Our learners, through science will problem solve, develop scientific attitudes and become independent thinkers. The journey students set upon in science learning at West Lea, provides them with the necessary skills needed to progress, having the knowledge and skills that is relevant to their lives and work opportunities. 

Our curriculum follows the National Curriculum topics and as students move through the curriculum, they will continue to develop their curiosity, provide insight into working scientifically and appreciate the value of Science in their everyday lives.  

We will use the local area and outside spaces as much as possible within our teaching. 

Students will develop skills in working scientifically observing over time, classifying & sorting, pattern seeking, research, comparative and fair testing.   We endeavour to ensure students understand the natural world and support students to become scientifically literate participants in society 


Our children begin their science experience in Early Years Foundation Stage, with informal investigation within the setting. Teachers facilitate children’s curiosity with open ended questions and clearly thought-out learning experiences which are both child led and adult led. 

Through Science learning children will build on their science knowledge as they progress through West Lea.  We will explore the following topics with hands on experiments and investigations at: 


  • Everyday uses and their Materials 
  • Changing Materials 
  • Animals including Humans, 
  • The Seasons: Seasonal Changes 


  • Sounds and vibrations 
  • Plants and Trees 
  • Light 
  • Everyday uses and their Materials,  
  • Changing Materials,  
  • Animals including Humans,  
  • Plants and Trees a 
  • Forces and Magnets,  
  • Everyday Materials, 
  •  Forensic Science understanding.  


  • Earth and Space,  
  • Forces and gravity,  
  • States of Matter,  
  • Changing Materials,  
  • looking after our world and Animals including humans.  
  • Chemistry: Heating and Cooling, 
  • Evolution and inheritance,  
  • Light Investigation (Knowledge), 
  • Electricity and Energy (Knowledge)  
  • Looking after our world: Wild animals 
  • Renewable Energy 
  • Chemistry: Chemical Reactions, Animals including humans,   
  • Biology Forces: balance and construction,  
  • Electricity and Energy (construction project),   
  • Our World – Oceans. Investigative Science Investigative skills using investigations based on chemistry/physic 


ELC: Science Today  

  • Science in the universe. 
  • Renewable Energy 
  • Introduction to plant care  

Science lessons will teach a range of practical scientific methods, processes, and skills:  

  • asking simple questions and recognising that they can be answered in different ways; 
  •  observing closely,  
  • using simple equipment;  
  • Hands on experiments and exploratory learning 
  • performing simple tests;  
  • identifying and classifying 
  • using their observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions 
  •  gathering and recording data to help in answering questions. 

Planning involves teachers creating engaging lessons, involving high-quality resources to aid understanding of conceptual knowledge. However, our curriculum is fluid in nature to ensure it always meets the needs of our learners.  

Working Scientifically skills are embedded into lessons to ensure that skills are systematically developed throughout.   

We teach science vocabulary within each lesson. Students will be able to build on prior knowledge and link ideas together, enabling them to question and become enquiry-based learners. 

Teachers create a positive attitude to science learning within their classrooms and reinforce an expectation that all pupils are able of achieving in science. 


Science progress is measured through the child’s ability to obtain sustainable knowledge, remember more and explain more. Science books are used to see progress. 

Our consistent approach results in fun, engaging,  science
education, that provides children with the foundations and knowledge for understanding the world. This is evident
in pupils’ work, photos, and displays. Children have the understanding that science has changed our lives and that it is vital to the world’s future prosperity. Children are aware of the possibilities for careers in Science.  

Teacher expectations:

● To be confident about what they are teaching and understand the scientific knowledge and skills required
for the topic being taught.
● To use a wide range of resources that are easily accessible and well maintained.
● To plan and prepare meaningful science experiments
● To use open ended questions to challenge and lead children’s thinking.
● To challenge pupils offering appropriate scaffolding and ensure progression throughout the school. 


In EY, children are assessed through observations using EFL(evidence for learning). In KS1 KS2, KS3 & KS4 children are assessed against the LI within the planning or qualification specifications. Teacher assessments are informed through carefully differentiated planning and teaching, targeted questioning, observations, observations of  pupils’ work inc. books,  student voice, quizzes,  challenges and next steps.

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