Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural
West Lea has a strong commitment to personal and social development of all learners. Our vision, mission and values, supports spiritual, moral, social and cultural characteristics in all learners, throughout school life. SMSC and British values is embedded throughout the curriculum. This integrated approach ensures that aspects of SMSC is considered in all subject areas.
We achieve this by embedding these core values and beliefs into all subjects, targeting specific issues through assemblies and by celebrating a wide range of beliefs, faiths and international events of significance throughout the school year and through cross curricular projects. We explore issues that are relevant and important to our children through ‘wow’ weeks. This year our wow weeks will focus on storytelling, careers and mental health.
Spiritual development:
We explore beliefs and experience; respect faiths, feelings and values; enjoy learning about oneself, others and the surrounding world; use imagination and creativity and encourage reflection.
- Through the RE and Personal Development Curriculum, we explore beliefs, faiths and values; all reinforced through trips and experiences including visits to places of worship.
- We have a calendar of assemblies and celebration/awareness events to celebrate a wide range of beliefs, faiths and traditions
- Celebration assemblies and a whole school recognition system promotes self-confidence and promotes an understanding of the values that provide the foundations for our school
- Through our curriculum, we learn about identity, feelings, reflection, respecting self and others, and there is a key focus on understanding the surrounding world-promoting local to global awareness
Moral development:
We teach learners to recognise right and wrong, respect the law and make good choices, understand consequences; investigate moral and ethical issues and appreciate the viewpoints of others.
- We teach learners how to recognise right and wrong and how to make good choices; this is reinforced by our whole school behaviour expectations
- Learners are encouraged to help others and take part in activities to support their local community e.g. carol singing at care homes, charity fundraising, volunteering at food banks, trips to shelter etc
- Our behaviour policy as well as our curriculum and programme of assemblies support learners to respect the law, understand consequences and provide opportunities to investigate moral and ethical issues
- Opportunities to develop and offer reasoned views are reinforced through our campus and whole school council structure. Learners also access a Borough wide youth parliament to ensure their voices are heard and they can influence decisions within their community
Social development:
We encourage learners to develop a range of social skills; participate in the local community; appreciate diverse viewpoints; participate, volunteer and cooperate; resolve conflict; engage with the ‘British values’ of democracy, the rule of law, liberty, respect and tolerance.
- Opportunities to apply communication, speaking and listening strategies in real life situations (e.g. life and work curriculum involves going to restaurants, accessing leisure facilitates, planning and carrying out social event etc)
- Regular events to promote friendships, teamwork and independence – School Prom, Halloween/Christmas balls
- Opportunities to develop leadership skills and support social interaction e.g. sports leaders run lunchtime clubs for their peers
- Support advocacy and socialising through our link Charity – Learning for Life Charity – Wanna Be Friends social events
- Opportunities to access a wide range of clubs and enrichment including lunchtime, after school & holiday clubs/playschemes
Cultural development:
We teach learners to appreciate cultural influences; the role of Britain’s parliamentary system; participate in culture opportunities including sports and the arts; understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity.
- Opportunities to participate in the local community and learn about local heritage (regular local trips, community projects, WEX, volunteering)
- Travel training to support independence and access to social opportunities
- Chances to participate and engage with British values
- Opportunities to explore and access the arts and wider cultural influences through Personal Development curriculum and the Creative curriculum
- Trips and visits to broaden horizons (galleries/museums/theatres/sporting events etc) and residential experiences including Barcelona at KS4
- Celebration events such as art exhibitions at Millfield Theatre
- Understanding the Britain’s parliamentary system through school democratic processesincluding campus and whole school council
- A programme of inclusive sporting events and fixtures across the year e.g panathlon, boccia tournaments
- Drop down days/afternoons to support SMSC development (Face Front Inclusive Theatre, Freshers Week)
- Work and College days- taking their own place in society
Beyond the Curriculum
We are also committed as a school to developing SMSC beyond the curriculum. This is done through:
- Arts, Music and Cultural Specialists visits to school over the year (Forest school, yoga instructor, music specialists)
- Assemblies that give pupils an opportunity to explore aspects of SMSC
- We are UNICEF rights respecting school. More information on this can be found on
In order to reflect further on the impact of all our work on SMSC:
- We engage governors, families and our community
- Hear our student voice
- Observe staff and pupil interactions
- Support Social Behaviour
- Complete learning walks reflecting on resources and practices