Understanding our world, ourselves and others


“History is not the past but a map of the past, drawn from a particular point of view, to be useful to the modern traveller.”
– Henry Glassie, US historian

We intend for learners to acquire knowledge and understanding of the past, and to use this to become informed citizens ready to face bright futures.

Curiosity, critical thinking and compassion are essential skills for historians and developing them enables learners to better understand and evaluate the world around them.

Our curriculum is rooted in our values. History brings our five values to life in the following ways:

  • Community: learners know and explore the history of their communities and cultures
  • Kindness: learners use their skills as historians to develop understanding and empathy for others
  • Learning for life: learners find out how historic events shape the world they live in today
  • Innovation: learners discover how being curious and questioning of the past is useful when coming up with new ways of doing things
  • Inclusion: learners express their ideas and feelings about historic events, and listen respectfully to the views of others

We implement our History curriculum in a planned and sequenced way.

This ensures each learner reaches their potential and becomes a flourishing historian, building on their knowledge and understanding step by step. Take a look at our Knowledge of the World curriculum map to find out more.

As they progress through the map, learners develop skills both within and outside the classroom. We make the most of local history by visiting museums, historical buildings and nursing homes, so students can learn from a diverse range of people and places. 

We measure the impact of our History curriculum by assessing:

  • How much learners enjoy and engage with the learning 
  • How confident they are applying the skills of a historian in their everyday lives
  • How well they do in internal assessments and external qualifications
  • How prepared learners are for their next steps into further education and employment
  • How confident and resilient they are
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