Parent Support Adviser
At West Lea School, our parents/carers benefit from the services of our own Parent Support Advisor, Zuhre Omer. Her role is diverse in nature, but some of the services and events offered are as follows:
- ESOL classes
- Day trips out for Parent/carers
- Appointments with parent/carers
- Transitioning to college
- Early Notification transitioning to adult services
- Transport applications
- Support with form filling
- Home visits
- Multi-cultural coffee mornings (MCCM)
- Local offer applications – Joint services
- Speakers from outside agencies
- Supporting students and parents emotionally
- Mentoring sessions one to one with students
- Annual World’s Biggest Coffee Morning
- Support PTA (Parent, Teachers Association)
- Residential trips
In addition to the above, coffee mornings are held every Thursday, at West Lea between the times of 9.30am and 11.00 am in the school library. Parents/carers are welcome to come along and join us. It is a place where we can all meet and have a chat; refreshments are provided. The Leadership Team, Teachers, O.T and Physiotherapist are invited to the coffee mornings and attend as appropriate. We have speakers from outside organisations to provide parents and carers with information and support available in the outside community.