Personal Development
Our Personal Development curriculum helps learners to flourish – both now and in the future.
What makes West Lea so special is our commitment to creating life-changing opportunities for children and young people who face many barriers. Throughout their journey with us, students develop vital life skills as well as achieve academically. We actively prepare our young people for adulthood, further education and employment.
Several of our Personal Development subjects help learners to be healthy and safe. Our travel training programme enables many students to travel confidently and independently. And our partnership with the Learning for Life Charity (LFLC) provides an alternative setting in which pupils can study, experience work and make friends.
Learners develop in many ways, through the curriculum that’s taught in the classroom as well as through extracurricular activities, clubs, trips and residentials that take them beyond the school gates.
As learners move through the Key Stages, we challenge and celebrate all aspects of building independence using our unique Passport to Independence programme, which is part of our learning for life approach.
Everyone in the school – learners and staff alike – are expected to model both West’s Lea values and British Values. These are taught in lessons as part of our cross-curricular spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) programme.